
Struggles. We have all experienced them. You may be in the middle of one right now.  It is assured that problems and obstacles will be a part of our life. It is not a question of IF we will encounter hard things. The question is HOW we will respond to the difficulties that we face.

Here are three things that will help you to navigate these tough times:

Know Who You Are. Don’t allow the issue you are facing to define you. It is easy to claim the victim mentality when things aren’t going our way. Don’t do it. Work to be consistent in good times and bad. Lead yourself and others from your core values and not your feelings.

Know What You Stand For. Don’t allow social or any kind of media to persuade you to step back from what you know to be true. We live in a culture that thrives on spewing fear at anyone who disagrees with the political correctness of the day. Take a stand for your convictions regardless of the media frenzy reaction.

Know How To Look Outward. When faced with struggles it is easy to focus inward. Be intentional about helping others. Look for opportunities to give to those who need help. Don’t limit this to those who agree with your morals or political stance. Reach out to those you care about and love as well as to those you don’t know. Find ways to invest in the lives of others.

Choose to walk through hard times knowing who you are, what you stand for and how to look outward and you will make a difference.
