Influential Leadership - Introduction

Influential Leadership


Influence is an incredible thing. Having the ability to impact the character, development, and behavior of someone else isn’t something to take lightly. In this series, we’ll be focusing on influence: how to gain it, and how to wield it wisely. Follow along as we learn more about Influential Leadership.

Answer the questions and grade yourself on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).

  1. I normally set a positive example for those around me.

  2. I do not mind being in the minority or being seen as different than most.

  3. I am generally seen as a highly credible person - I rarely overpromise.

  4. I am consistent with most things in my life, when I start something I generally stay with it.

  5. I connect with most people regardless of their personality.

  6. I generally create momentum or growth and do not put up obstacles.

Total your scores, and divide the total by 6.

Now, watch the following video for a quick explanation of your scores.

What your test results mean.

Influential Leadership Series

There are six videos in the Influential Leadership Series. They are all available immediately, and we will be sending emails twice a month that highlight important aspects from each video.