Influential Leadership - Be Unique

Your influence is yours, and yours alone. What I’m trying to say is, it’s ok to be unique. In fact, people are more likely to follow someone who they see as authentic- someone who is willing to stand up for what they believe in and are truly passionate about. When we choose to lead with our own values and be authentic, then we have the opportunity to authentically influence others.

Questions to Ponder…

  1. What unique experiences have shaped you and how you lead?

  2. What is something that you are passionate enough about to stand up for, even if you find yourself standing alone?

  3. Evaluate your authenticity- do you feel like those you lead know what’s truly important to you and see your values demonstrated in how you lead them?

Influential Leadership Series

There are six videos in the Influential Leadership Series. They are all available immediately, and we will be sending emails twice a month that highlight important aspects from each video.