Leading Through The Holiday's - Don't Fix Your Family

You can’t fix your family. 

We’re coming up on the holidays, and with that comes a lot of time with family. It’s such a gift to be able to spend intentional quality time with those we love- although sometimes, it may seem like a gift that you wish you could return. If we’re honest, no matter how much we love our families, there are times when an abundance of time together can result in tension, awkward situations, or even confrontation. Sometimes we just wish we could jump in and “fix” the people around us.

How do you make it through the holidays when family time turns into an episode of Family Feud? You put the relationship first. Before your own feelings, before your desire to win an argument, before your own agenda, and definitely before your political opinions. Go into this holiday season committed to prioritizing your relationships, and you will lead well through the holidays.

Entire Series

There are six videos in the Leading Through the Holiday’s Series. We will release them over the course of the next few months.