Leading Through The Holiday's - Feelings Don’t Get Majority Vote

Your Feelings Don’t Get Majority Vote

We’ve talked a lot over the last month or so about mental health, self-care, and leading ourselves well. I want to leave you with a reminder that you can behave your way to thinking, but you can’t think your way to behaving. In other words, don’t just think about the things you need to do to lead yourself well- start doing them. Right now, today, do one thing to take care of yourself. I give you permission to do so and to focus on yourself, and I believe that if you make self-care and good personal habits and routines a consistent practice in your life, you will become a better leader for those around you.

What can you do to start building a healthy habit or take care of yourself this week? How about today? What about right now?

Entire Series

There are six videos in the Leading Through the Holiday’s Series. We will release them over the course of the next few months.